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Q: 再谈雅思写作中的跑题,通过一个实际的例子看看跑题是怎么出现的?接上一篇NO.4



  • 提出自己的观点— present your ideas about a topic
  • 评价他人观点— evaluate an idea about a topic
  • 提出解决办法—propose one or more solutions to a problem
  • 评价解决办法—evaluate one or more solutions to a problem


In some countries young people are encouraged to work or travel for a year between finishing high school and starting university studies. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages for young people who decide to do this.

本题实质是一个solution,即,高中毕业到升入大学,有不同的solution—直升或者Gap year。 本题要求对Gap year做利弊分析。






Some people believe that there are many advantages for students to spend a year working or traveling after graduation from high school. Firstly, this can expand students' vision….

Others think that graduate students spend a year of time to go to work or travel has many also disadvantages. Firstly, fresh graduates are not experienced enough in the society. It is inevitable for them to encounter some dangers and thorny problems. They may go astray when it is difficult to distinguish the good from the bad….

该同学把本问题写成了另外一种题型:Discuss both views and give your own reasons.


As water is a valuable resource, governments all over the world should control how much water their citizens use. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?


It is universally acknowledged that water has been considered as one of the most valuable resources on earth. …


Nowadays, the consumption of water tends to soar due to the growing population and the increasing demand in agriculture and industry. Consequently, …


However, some people object to the intervention from government and believe citizens have the right to use water as they want. In general, the main concern is that the limitation of water use may lower the living standard and cause inconveniences in daily lives. In other words, …


本文由优加雅思写作主讲 Alan老师提供,更多雅思备考资料,访问优加雅思官网www.dlyjjy.com雅思备考系列文章。



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