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Question 1 

Some university students choose to take difficult classes even if they know they might not get a good grade in the class. Other students prefer to take easier classes in which they know they will get a good grade. Which do you prefer? Explain why.


Question 2

Students Need Access to Movie Collection

The university library has a large collection of films on video and DVD that students can borrow. However, students aren’t allowed to go into the area where these items are kept. Instead, students need to request a movie title, and then library staff get it for them. I think students should be allowed to go into the area where the videos and DVDs are kept. First, it will be easier for students to choose a good movie because then they can easily see what is available. Also, if students can get movies themselves, the university won’t have to pay extra library staff to help students.
Rebecca Smith

The man expresses his opinion about the proposal described in the letter. Briefly summarize the proposal. Then state his opinion about the proposal and explain the reasons he gives for holding that opinion.

Question 3

Mental Accounting

Although they may not realize it, people do not always manage their money in responsible way. In their minds, people tend to divide their money into different categories as if they were putting it into separate mental bank accounts. This tendency is known as mental accounting. People mentally store some money in one account to be saved, while they imagine other money being stored in another account from which money can be taken and freely spent. Mental accounting can lead people to spend more money than they should, which can make it difficult for them to save enough money to achieve their long-term financial goals.

Using the examples from the professor’s lecture, explain the concept of mental accounting.

Question 4

Using the example of the owl and the wolf, explain how two special body features have helped Arctic animals adapt to the cold.



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